Do you have a $22,000 dollar trailer to pull behind your $2,000 pick up truck?
If you answered yes — or laughed because that hit just a little too close to home — chances are you’re a horse person. Of course, there are other tell tale signs that you’ve got horse fever. We’ve collected the top ten to give you a smile — and we want to hear your favorites, too!
You Know You’re A Horse Person When…
10. Time spent grooming your horse on a typical day: More than an hour. Time spent grooming yourself on a typical day: Does putting your hair up in a scrunchy on the way to the barn count?
9. Your horses get new shoes more often than you do…and they cost a whole bunch more! (Even on a per foot/hoof basis!)
8. You’ve ever told your truck “Whoa!”
7. Discussions about expanding your family require clarifying if you mean buying a horse or having a baby. Once that’s cleared up, you plan your pregnancy around the show season.
6. There are snaffle bits soaking in the kitchen sink.
5. You really, really want Santa to bring some of these for your Christmas stocking. Of course, you’ve already taken care of the sugar cubes and carrots for your horse’s stocking. And they each have a present under the tree.
4. A perfect stranger has ever let you know you have hay in your hair. Bonus points if you’re wearing formal wear when this happens.
3. Going through a metal detector requires emptying your pockets — and out comes a hoof pick, curb chain, and a scrawled note that upon examination says, “Get more grain!”
2. Everyone you know refuses to go to any historical or fantasy movies with you, because your commentary on the finer points of horsemanship interferes with their ability to enjoy the movie. The local theater owner had to physically restrain you from seeing Secretariat ‘just one more time!’
You know your a horse person when you have hay sprouting in the bed of your truck!