Who among us has not as a child asked Santa Clause to bring us a pony on Christmas day?
What’s better than a Christmas with horses? From the frosty curls of morning breath sneaking from velvety-soft noses to the soft thud of hoofbeats pounding through the snow, the sheer magic of a midnight Christmas ride beneath the slick, slim crescent of a new moon, horses and holidays just go together.
Of course, you can carry that experience in your heart, but you can also wear it! Throughout the year, we’ve been fortunate enough to find some magnificent vintage and estate pieces for those of you who appreciate the timeless style and craftsmanship of some of history’s finest jewelers. For as long as women have adorned themselves with gold and silver, gems and jewels, artisans have been crafting these precious materials into the objects they desire — which includes horses!
Consider the Cameo Pin and Pendant we’re showcasing today. This piece is hand carved by Gennaro Borriello, an artist with a true eye for equine beauty. This large cameo with two lively horses is loaded with elegant detail. The horses have a keen and alert expression, and their detailed mane, tail and bridled faces exude the ethereal and mystically wonderful scenes which can be typical of classical works of art.
May your stockings be full of the finest horse jewelry! That way you can share your passion for riding, eventing, and plain old hanging around the barn with everyone you meet!
Merry Christmas from the Show Stable Artisans team! As the big day draws near, we’d like to take this time to thank you for your support, your thoughts, your ideas, and your passion. We couldn’t do this without out!
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