Part of the reason we love gold horse jewelry is because gold has an enduring beauty that can more than stand up to the everyday environment. Under normal circumstances, gold won’t rust, tarnish, or corrode. It’s a very durable metal.
However, the circumstances of being worn regularly can result in our gold horse jewelry losing some of its luster. The most common problem is a film that forms on the gold horse jewelry as a result in being in contact with the oils in our skin, soap and cleansers, and the other substances we encounter throughout the day.
And let’s be real. As horsewomen, we ‘encounter’ more substances than the typical fashionista. Raise your hand if you’ve ever had your beloved steed, the horse who has your heart, sneeze all over you! I know it’s happened to me – and that’s hardly the messiest thing that’s happened in the course of my life with horses.
What do you do when your gold horse jewelry gets really dirty? The first step is to try wiping your gold horse jewelry with a dry chamois cloth. You want chamois because it’s soft and non-abrasive. Gold scratches easily, and you don’t want to damage your jewelry.
If the chamois cloth doesn’t get the gold clean, put warm water in a small bowl. Add a few drops of mild dishwashing liquid – Dawn works great, but you can use your favorite brand as long as it’s not abrasive! – and then, cleaning one piece of jewelry at a time, dip it in the water, washing it gently to remove any grime or debris.
Don’t let your gold jewelry soak in the water, especially if it has diamonds or other stones in it. Work quickly and confidently, drying your gold horse jewelry with a soft, absorbent cloth. You’ll love how your gold horse jewelry looks – as good as new!